It is used to perform an operation using operand.The operator will be defined as a method but implement as a symbol.
The operand can be variable, constant or literals.
Type of Operator:-
1 Unary operator:- We will use a single operand to perform the operation.
1.1 Increment:- it is used to increase value by one.
post increment:- a++
First, perform other operation then increase value.
pre increment:- ++a
First Increment then perform other operation
b=a++; //assign ,increase
System.out.println("a="+a+" b= "+b)
Important example of increment and decrement:-
class IncrDemo
public static void main(String args[])
int a=2;
int b=3;
b=a-- + a-- + ++a + --a + a++;
//4 2 1 1 0 0 1
System.out.println("a="+ a++ +" b= "+ ++b);
Binary operator:-
it uses a minimum two operands to perform the operation
1 Arithmetic:- +,-,*,/,%
2 Conditional: <,>,<=,>=
3 Comparison:-
3.1) == :- it is used to compare value type element
3.2) equals():- it is used to compare reference type element
4 Assignment:-
it is used to assign the value into a variable
4.1) Simple Assignment =
4.2) Complex Assignment or shorthand operator
+= a+=2 or a=a+2
-= a-=2 or a=a-2
*= a*=3 or a=a*3
/= a/=2 or a=a/2
%= a%=5 or a=a%5
5 Logical Operator:- it is used to checking condition using the different logical symbol
&&:- it will return true when all condition will be true
| |:- it will return true when the particular condition will be true
!:- it is just opposite of true statement and converts to false
3 Ternary operator:-
it is used to check condition using single-line statement.
result = (Condition)?true:false;
result = (Condition)?(condition)?true:(Condition)?true:false);
1) WAP to check greatest number using three different number?
2) WAP to check middle number using three different number?
3) WAP to check vowel-consonant without using logical operator?
4) WAP to check divisibility of number that it is divisible by 3 and 5 individual and in combination?
5) WAP to check leap year with all condition?
1.2 Decrement:- it is used to decrease value by one
It is used to perform an operation using operand.The operator will be defined as a method but implement as a symbol.
The operand can be variable, constant or literals.
Type of Operator:-
1 Unary operator:- We will use a single operand to perform the operation.
1.1 Increment:- it is used to increase value by one.
post increment:- a++
First, perform other operation then increase value.
pre increment:- ++a
First Increment then perform other operation
b=a++; //assign ,increase
System.out.println("a="+a+" b= "+b)
Important example of increment and decrement:-
class IncrDemo
public static void main(String args[])
int a=2;
int b=3;
b=a-- + a-- + ++a + --a + a++;
//4 2 1 1 0 0 1
System.out.println("a="+ a++ +" b= "+ ++b);
Binary operator:-
it uses a minimum two operands to perform the operation
1 Arithmetic:- +,-,*,/,%
2 Conditional: <,>,<=,>=
3 Comparison:-
3.1) == :- it is used to compare value type element
3.2) equals():- it is used to compare reference type element
4 Assignment:-
it is used to assign the value into a variable
4.1) Simple Assignment =
4.2) Complex Assignment or shorthand operator
+= a+=2 or a=a+2
-= a-=2 or a=a-2
*= a*=3 or a=a*3
/= a/=2 or a=a/2
%= a%=5 or a=a%5
5 Logical Operator:- it is used to checking condition using the different logical symbol
&&:- it will return true when all condition will be true
| |:- it will return true when the particular condition will be true
!:- it is just opposite of true statement and converts to false
3 Ternary operator:-
it is used to check condition using single-line statement.
result = (Condition)?true:false;
result = (Condition)?(condition)?true:(Condition)?true:false);
1) WAP to check greatest number using three different number?
2) WAP to check middle number using three different number?
3) WAP to check vowel-consonant without using logical operator?
4) WAP to check divisibility of number that it is divisible by 3 and 5 individual and in combination?
5) WAP to check leap year with all condition?
1.2 Decrement:- it is used to decrease value by one
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