Netbeans by default integrated with JDK and JRE tools.
IDE means Integrated Development Environment means we can perform multiple operations using a single platform.
NETBEANS is not only for JAVA .it support multiple programming language environments.
means we can write program for C++, PHP, ROR, PYTHON,HTML,ANGULAR ,JS,JQUERY etc.
How We Install Netbeans for Java:-
1 First Install JDK and JRE in your System.
2 Set path of JDK
4 Download Netbeans for J2SE or Complete
How we work on Netbeans:-
1 Start Netbeans
2 File ----> New Project---->JAVA--->JAVA Application---->Set Projectname and Project Location ---> Click on Finish Button
3 It will by Default Provide Java Class Structure with the project name
4 Write Code on Class as per requirement
5 Right Click on editor window and choose Run file option
6 The program will compile and execute and provide result
How we show project explorer
Click on Window menu---> Click on Project
How we run the file using the shortcut
How we display System.out.println() using a shortcut?
type sout press TAB
How we create main() using shortcut?
type psvm press Tab
How we create for loop Structure?
write for press Tab
POST Answer of Questions and ASK to Doubt