Django Introduction & Installation in Python


It is a Web-based Framework of Python which provides MVT(Model, View, Template) Design pattern to create a Dynamic web application.

Django MVC is also known as MVT architecture.

MVT means Model, View, and Template, 

Model is used to provide a data access layer, View is used to provide business access layer or Code layer, and Template is used to provide user access layer or design.

Why Django is best as compare to other frameworks:-

1) Django contains predefined libraries to create secure, reliable, and Fast dynamic web applications.

2) Django Framework is Open Source so that we can easily customize the Django Framework program code and structure.

3) Django provides rapid application development tools because it has an inbuilt app to create a login, admin dashboard, user management (ACL access control list),  Session management, etc.

4) Django Framework can easily be integrated with HTML, CSS, JS, and Jquery to design web pages.

5) Django Framework by default provides SQLite database software which is by default integrated. we can also integrate the Django framework with MySQL database, Postgrey SQL, and other database software tools.

6) Django Framework provides ORM(Object Relational Map
ing)  to design dynamic web applications. Without using SQL query Django performs database operation. Django has an in-built query structure.

7) Django Framework is based on CLI (Command Line Interface) hence we can easily create a project, app, and other components without using Code.


Django History:-

Django was the design and developed by Lawrence journal world in 2003 and publicly released under a BSD license in July 2005. Currently, DSF (Django Software Foundation) maintains its development and release cycle.

Django was released on 21, July 2005. Its  Django 2.2.5 was released on April 1, 2019.

Django 3.0 was released in December 2019 it is the latest version of Django.


open a command prompt and type this

1) Command to install Django

 pip install django

2) check Django version:-

python -m django --version

3)Create Project using Django

django-admin startproject projectname

cd projectname
alternative syntax 

py -m django startproject projectname

4)  Run Project:-   (first enter project folder using cd project name)

 python runserver

It will provide Url
Type this URL Under Web Browser

 5) Create APP under Project

 python startapp appname

 6) open the project folder by sublime text or notepad++ or vs code

 edit projectname/

 add appname into installed_apps =










 7)Edit projectname/

from django.contrib import admin

from django.urls import path,include

 urlpatterns = [




 8) Create under  app

 from django.urls import path

 from. import views

 urlpatterns = [

    path('', views.index, name='index'),


 9) create method under in app

 from django.shortcuts import render

 from django.http import HttpResponse

 def index(request):




  return HttpResponse("Addition Program "+str(c))

10) run server and hit URL under browser and happy with output.


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