Angular JS Interview Question

Angular JS Interview Question :-

ANGULAR JS 1.0 and ANGULAR JS Framework 2.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0

Q1 what is difference between Angular JS and normal javascript?

Q2 what is directive elements in angular js?


Q3 what is $scope variable in Angular?

Q4  what is Angular API?

Q5  what is module in Angular JS and How we can create Module?

Q6  what is Component and Sub Component and root Component?

Q7 what is data binding concept in angular js ,explain one-way and two-way binding with example

Q8 what is Property binding and Event binding?

Q9 what is dependancy injection in angular JS .how we can implement them

Q10 what SPA means Single Page Application?

Q 11 what is Routing we can create route?

Q12 How we can navigate from one component to another?

Q13 How we can pass data from one component to another?

Q14 what is PIPE or Filter in Angular JS?

Q15 How we create Custom Directive elements in Angular JS?

Q16  How we use Filter ,Filter in Angular?

Q17 what is Services difference between internal and external HTTp Services in Angular JS?

Q18 Angular page life cycle?

Q19 what is Typescript ,difference between JAVAScript and Typescript?

Q20 How we can call WebServices in Angular JS for CRUD operation?

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