Data Encapsulation Example in C#:-
It means binding of data using a single unit, Class provides essential details and non-essential details. show essential details and hide non-essential details is managed by abstraction and associate all information under method block is managed by encapsulation.
We should always create private data members because they should not be accessed directly, it must be defined under the method block to access them.
Encapsulation means packing of data in a single unit, it is the complement to data abstraction because without encapsulation we can not implement the data abstraction process in the program.
Now I am explaining the example of Data Encapsulation in C# with a practical example.
class Classname
private int a,b,c;
void MethodName()
Now we create the Object:-
Classname ref = new Classname();
Example of Data Encapsulation Completely:-
class Classname
private int a,b,c;
void MethodName()
Now we create the Object:-
Classname ref = new Classname();
Example of Data Encapsulation Completely:-
class EncapsulationExample
private int a, b, c;
private void DisplayHello()
a = 100;
b = 200;
Console.WriteLine(a + b);
internal void DisplayHello1()
class EncapMain
public static void Main()
EncapsulationExample obj = new EncapsulationExample();
Now I am creating a class to enter the password where the password data member is private and
member function is internal, this is also the best example of data abstraction.
class Password
private String password;
internal void EnterPassword()
Console.WriteLine("Enter password");
password = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Password is " + password);
Now I am creating another example of a Bank class that will hide all transaction methods and show only login methods, all methods will be encapsulated under login.
class Bank
private int balance = 5000;
private void Credit(int amt)
balance += amt;
private void Debit(int amt)
balance -= amt;
private void CheckBalance()
Console.WriteLine("Balance is " + balance);
internal void Login(int pincode)
if (pincode == 1223)
this.Credit(1000); //Encpaulated under Login
this.CheckBalance(); // Encapsulated By Login
Create Another class Customer:-
class Customer
static void Main()
Bank obj = new Bank();
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