1) GET METHOD:- It is used to submit the data of form elements into a web server using URL parameters, GET method call the HttpGet object to send data from form to web server.
all data will be shown on the URL hence get is not secure and we can send limited data using GET Method.
default URL method is GET means when we hit any web URL under web browser then it will be called using the GET method.
2) POST Method:- It is used to submit the data of form elements into a web server using the HttpPost object.it sends data internally then data will not be shown on URL parameters hence it provides better security as compared to the get method, we can send unlimited data using the Post method hence we often prefer the post method to send data from client machine to server machine.
Django uses csrf_token to send data using the POST method
csrf_token will generate a token key from the browser to match from the server.
CSRF means cross-site request forgery
We should always create HTML form elements under the HTML web page under the templates directory.
all data will be shown on the URL hence get is not secure and we can send limited data using GET Method.
default URL method is GET means when we hit any web URL under web browser then it will be called using the GET method.
2) POST Method:- It is used to submit the data of form elements into a web server using the HttpPost object.it sends data internally then data will not be shown on URL parameters hence it provides better security as compared to the get method, we can send unlimited data using the Post method hence we often prefer the post method to send data from client machine to server machine.
Django uses csrf_token to send data using the POST method
csrf_token will generate a token key from the browser to match from the server.
CSRF means cross-site request forgery
We should always create HTML form elements under the HTML web page under the templates directory.
Create HTML Form in Django
We can create Django Form Component using the HTML Form element
<form action="" method="post|get" name="frm">
input field <input type="text" >
password filed <input type="password">
radio <input type="radio" />
checkbox <input type="checkbox" >
listbox <select name="course" multiple="true"><option value="101">C</option></select>
dropdownlist <select name="course"><option value="101">C</option></select>
textarea <textarea rows="5" cols="10" ></textarea>
label <label></label>
normalbutton <input type="button" />
submitbutton <input type="submit" />
resetbutton <input type="reset" />
file field <input type="file" name="file" />
number field <input type="number" name="abc" />
email field <input type="email" name="email" />
what is the action attribute in the form:-
it is used to enter URL after submission of the form, action will be redirected to a particular web URL.
<form action="hello" method="get">
when we submit button then it will be redirected to path "hello" of urls.py
if action="" means it will redirect to the same URL
Create a Simple Interest program using Django Form Elements
1) Create an app in an existing project
2) create urls.py in-app
3) create a method to load templates and define templates and design form of SI
4) Create another method to write code of form elements
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse
def index(request):
return render(request,"siapp/index.html")
def silogic(request):
p = request.POST["txtp"]
r = request.POST["txtr"]
t = request.POST["txtt"]
si = (float(p)*float(r)*float(t))/100
return render(request,"siapp/index.html",{'key':si})
#return HttpResponse("si result is "+str(si))
We can create Django Form Component using the HTML Form element
<form action="" method="post|get" name="frm">
input field <input type="text" >
password filed <input type="password">
radio <input type="radio" />
checkbox <input type="checkbox" >
listbox <select name="course" multiple="true"><option value="101">C</option></select>
dropdownlist <select name="course"><option value="101">C</option></select>
textarea <textarea rows="5" cols="10" ></textarea>
label <label></label>
normalbutton <input type="button" />
submitbutton <input type="submit" />
resetbutton <input type="reset" />
file field <input type="file" name="file" />
number field <input type="number" name="abc" />
email field <input type="email" name="email" />
what is the action attribute in the form:-
it is used to enter URL after submission of the form, action will be redirected to a particular web URL.
<form action="hello" method="get">
when we submit button then it will be redirected to path "hello" of urls.py
if action="" means it will redirect to the same URL
Create a Simple Interest program using Django Form Elements
1) Create an app in an existing project
2) create urls.py in-app
3) create a method to load templates and define templates and design form of SI
4) Create another method to write code of form elements
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse
def index(request):
return render(request,"siapp/index.html")
def silogic(request):
p = request.POST["txtp"]
r = request.POST["txtr"]
t = request.POST["txtt"]
si = (float(p)*float(r)*float(t))/100
return render(request,"siapp/index.html",{'key':si})
#return HttpResponse("si result is "+str(si))
from django.urls import path
from . import views
urlpatterns = [
Html file under templates/siapp
<!DOCTYPE html>
<form action="silogic" method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="text" name="txtp" placeholder="Enter value for p" />
<input type="text" name="txtr" placeholder="Enter value for r" />
<input type="text" name="txtt" placeholder="Enter value for t" />
<input type="submit" name="btnsubmit" value="Calculate" />
POST Answer of Questions and ASK to Doubt