Date time is the most important function of today programming because we always create logic for the expiration date, total duration, age calculation, time calculation
PHP Provide in-built function for date and time:-
1) date():- it is a predefined function that provides the current date and time using different parameters.
echo date('d')."<br>"; //return day index
echo date('m')."<br>"; //return month index
echo date('y')."<br>"; // return year last 2 digit
echo date('D')."<br>"; //return day name
echo date('M')."<br>"; // return Month name
echo date('Y')."<br>"; //return complete year
echo date('d-m-y')."<br>"; //return complete date
date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Kolkata"); //change time zone
echo date('h')."<br>"; //return hours
echo date('i')."<br>"; //return minuts
echo date('s')."<br>"; //return second
echo date('h-i-s')."<br>"; //return time
echo time(); //return time in second from 1 jan 1970
echo(date("Y-m-d h-i-s",time())); //return complete date and time
2) strtotime():- It is used to convert date to string:-
echo(strtotime("now") . "<br>"); //convert current time to string
echo(strtotime("3 October 2005") . "<br>"); //convert 3 oct 2005 time to string
echo(strtotime("+5 hours") . "<br>"); //increase five house in current time
echo(strtotime("+1 week") . "<br>"); //display 1 week after time
echo(strtotime("+1 week 3 days 7 hours 5 seconds") . "<br>"); //
echo(strtotime("next Monday") . "<br>");
echo(strtotime("last Sunday"));
This function is used to perform the mathematical operation in PHP
echo abs(-2)."<br>"; //negative value to positive
echo pi(). "<br>"; // return pi 3.14
echo sqrt(5)."<br>"; //return square root
echo pow(5, 3)."<br>"; //return power of any base and exponent
echo sin(45)."<br>"; // these all are Trigonometry
echo cos(45)."<br>";
echo tan(45)."<br>";
echo cosec(45)."<br>";
echo sec(45)."<br>";
echo cot(45)."<br>";
echo log(3)."<br>";
echo ceil(3.2)."<br>"; // highest integer value
echo floor(3.9)."<br>"; // lowest integer value
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