What are git and GitHub, What is the difference between git and GitHub?
It is a command-line console editor that is used to execute the git command, create a local repository, add files, remove files, create a branch, remove a branch, add files under the branch, show files under the branch, current branch status, push the file into remote, pull the file from remote.
means if we want to add any data under GitHub(remote) then you should execute the git command.
download git console from here
it is a cloud repository that is used to store data under a cloud, it is VCS means version control system.
It is an open-source cloud web application that can be simply operated.
Open https://github.com/ and create an account under it.
Some important git command
1) git init:- it is used to initialize the git local repository under the current working directory
2) git add file- It is used to add working files under the git local repository.
git add filename
to add all files
git add *.html
git add *.txt
git add foldername
3) git commit -m "message":- This command will commit the files under a particular repository.
4) git status:- It will return the current branch name
5) git branch branch-name:- this command is used to add branch name
git branch branchname
6) get checkout branch name:- this command is used to enter into a branch
git checkout branchname
7) git ls-files:- it is used to show all files under the current repository
8) git rm -r filename|foldername
push the file into GitHub:-
It is used to move files from the local repository to the remote repository, suppose you have already created a local repository and moved the data of the local repository to the remote then you can use the push command.
If you are connecting first time from GitHub then you can simply right this command
git config --global user. name "username"
git config --global user.email "emailid"
create a repository under github.com with any name and execute the following command
git remote add origin repository URL
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
pull the file into GitHub:-
It is used to fetch files from the remote repository to the local repository, suppose you have already created a remote repository and fetch the data into the local repository from the remote then you can use the pull command.
If you are connecting first time from GitHub then you can simply right this command
git config --global user. name "username"
git config --global user.email "emailid"
create a repository under github.com with any name and execute the following command
git pull origin main
git clone repository URL
git commit -m "first commit"
git config --global user.name "username"
git config --global user.email "emailid"
git remote add origin repositoryurl
git branch -M main
git push -u orgin master
pull the file from github
git clone repositoryurl
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